DevOps Engineer @ AgentLocator

Working in IT for almost 15 years, and in software delivery since 2010. Interested in delivery practices, DevOps, and tools to make software delivery as easy as possible.
DevOps Engineer @ AgentLocator
Working in IT for almost 15 years, and in software delivery since 2010. Interested in delivery practices, DevOps, and tools to make software delivery as easy as possible.
Software Designer, Ping
Aida ima preko 15 godina radnog iskustva u IT industriji. Njene dvije velike strasti su tehnologija i oglašavanje. Kombinacija ovo dvoje – način na koji tehnologija svakodnevno utiče na svijet u kojem živimo i mijenja ga sa jedne strane te približavanje tih mogućnosti i uticaja koje te promjene donose svima nama s ciljem našeg angažovanja sa druge strane, je raznovrsnost u kojoj uživa.
Već više od deceniju drži predavanja/kurseve na temu Microsoft Office aplikacija. Među prvima u BiH je držala radionice na temu Office365 for end users. Posjeduje veći broj certifikata iz oblasti Microsoft Office-a, a Microsoft Certified Trainer je od 2010. godine.
Područja interesovanja: front-end-development, UI/UX design, digital marketing & advertising, project management.
Microsoft MVP, Senior Developer and Data Scientist
Bahrudin holds a PhD in technical science, Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio and Development Technologies, and senior software developer at daenet. He has over fifteen years of experience in developing software on Microsoft technologies. He is interesting in developing and application of diferent ML algorithms and the development of predictive models using artificial neural networks and genetic programming. In the development of ML-oriented solutions and modeling, he has more than 10 years of experience. Works in various multidisciplinary teams with the mission of optimizing and selecting the ML algorithms and develop modeling.
He writes a blog at, regularly holds lectures at local and regional Microsoft conferences, User groups and Code Camp gatherings, and is also the founder of the Bihac Developer Meetup Group. Microsoft recognizes his work and awarded him with the prestigious Microsoft MVP title for the first time in 2011, which he still holds today.
Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, Šef službe za planiranje i upravljanje uslugama i marketing
Berina Hrustić, mr.sci.,, je diplomirala i magistrirala na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Sarajevu na odsjeku za Telekomunikacije. Ima preko 10 godina iskustva u ICT-u, s posebnim naglaskom na analizu podataka, unapređenju poslovanja i usluga.
Zaposlen u LANACO od 2007, trenutno radi kao projektant informacionih sistema i vođa tima.
Uglavnom radi na Web baziranim intranet poslovnim aplikacijam. Trudi se da radi sa raznim programskim jezicim, platformama, alatima i uzme najbolje od svega što mu dođe pod ruke. Obožava da popravlja stari kod koji niko ne voli ni da očima pogleda.
Povremeno radi kao predavač, a kada nađe vremena vere se po stijenama.
Damir Dizdarević dugogodišnji je predavač na gotovo svim Microsoft i community konferencijama u regiji. Ima preko 20 godina iskustva u IT-u, pretežno sa Microsoft platformama. Redovno biva odlično ocijenjen od strane publike a teme kojima se najviše bavi su Identity Management, sigurnost i serverske platforme. Autor je brojnih MOC kurseva iz oblasti server i cloud platformi, kao i stručnih članaka u domaćim i stranim časopisima. Nosilac je MVP titule već 11 godina, a od 2017. ima i titulu Microsoft Regional Director, jedini na području bivše Yu. Trenutno radi kao direktor kompanije Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, jedne od najvećih IT kompanija u BiH. Povremeno piše blog članke na adresi
Fakultet informacijskih tehnologija
Denis Mušić je docent na Fakultetu informacionih tehnologija pri Univerzitetu “Džemal Bijedić” Mostaru, gdje predaje predmete vezane za programiranje i principe razvoja softvera uopćeno. Radno iskustvo u razvoju je stekao na projektima vezanim za informacione sisteme u zdravstvu, eUniverzitet servise, te kao konsultant za privatne kompanije.
App Impact
Emin je Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), zaposlen kao Software Development Engineer u kompaniji App Impact u Sarajevu. Bivši je Microsoft Student Partner, i učesnik je brojnih hackathon-a i takmičenja iz polja programiranja i nauke. Zajedno sa svojim timom, pobjednik je Bosnian Science Olympiad 2013. godine u kategoriji “Imam ideju”, pobjednik Microsoft Imagine Cup-a na nivou BiH, 2016. godine, u kategoriji “World Citizenship Competition”, te pobjednik hackathon-a “Zajedno postižemo više”, 2016. godine u Banjoj Luci. Emin je jedan od tvoraca inovacije “FeelTheSpace”, za pomoć slijepim i slabovidnim osobama. Predavač je na regionalnim IT konferencijama: MS Network(Neum), MS Community(Sarajevo), Sinergija(Beograd), Advanced Technology Days (Zagreb).
Long Run Solutions, Co-founder & CTO
Enes Pelko has more than 12 years of experience as a professional Software Developer and currently works as co-founder and CTO at Long Run Solutions. Throughout his career, he has worked in all phases of the software development life cycle, from defining requirements and doing analysis, to system architecture and design, implementation and production support. His specialty is building platforms for developing custom software solutions and enterprise application integration. When he first tried Azure he fell in love with it, and now he is focused on building solutions in Azure.
Cloud Solution Architect @ Celeste Maze
Ivan is a .NET freelance developer in love with Azure, Xamarin, and the idea of automating whatever. He’s also an Microsoft MVP for Azure <3. When he’s not developing something new, he’s salvaging something inherited, consulting with enthusiasm, and testing and breaking new technologies in a quest for something useful.
University Professor active in the areas of databases, information security, privacy, and forensic analysis. Author of the books: Writing T-SQL Queries for Beginners Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Securing SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server on Linux. Microsoft MVP (Data Platform), MCT- Microsoft Certified Trainer. Speaker on many regional IT conferences, events and panels.
Luka Manojlovic radi u ITju vec više od 15 godina. Ima vlastito preduzece u Sloveniji kde radi kao konsultant i eksterni sistemski administrator za oko 40 preduzeca i ISPa. Zadnjih pet godina ima zvanje MS MVP za podrucja Consumer Security, Management infrastrucuture i Small business server.
Software Engineer, Authority Partners
Luka Pejovic is a software engineer with many .NET technologies under his belt, focusing primarily on Xamarin technologies last few years. He is passionate about security, good architectures and solutions that make a developer’s everyday life easier.
Senior System Engineer and Senior Expert at Atos, Microsoft MVP Cloud and Datacenter Management
Ljubo Brodaric is a Senior System Engineer and Senior Expert at Atos Mission Critical Systems and Microsoft MVP for Cloud and Datacenter Management – High Availability. Most of the time he is dealing with design and implementation of highly available server platforms based on Microsoft Windows and SQL Clustering technologies. He often speaks at local IT Pro user groups and various regional conferences like Windays, Advanced Technology Days, Sinergija, KulenDayz, NetWork, NTK etc. and he is also a contributing author in the special editions of Mreza magazine.
Architecting the future!
Started as trainer and administrator in Algebra, then through some years became head of operating systems department at Algebra private college. At that time, he became IT Pro group lead and 5-year Microsoft MVP. After four years in Microsoft covering roles of Infrastructure and Azure TSP, Marin moved to Span to take the role of Senior Solutions Architect for cloud solutions. Personal time is occupied by enjoying short trips with his family and close friends, tinkering with home automation and networking and spending money on too many gadgets.
Software Architect @ Authority Partners
Mirza Vučijak is a Program Architect at Authority Partners with a bachelor degree in Computer Science. He has been working in software industry for several years, focusing primarily on Microsoft’s technologies but enjoys Azure the most. He loves designing scalable and resilient enterprise solutions which make customers’ lives easier. He also likes to keep up with the industry by reading books, newsletters and blogs, and amongst other things is an avid Star Trek fan!
Authority Partners , Program Architect
Zaposlen kao Program Architect u firmi Authority Partners. Učestvovao na nizu projekata, uglavnom se baveci serverskom infrastrukturom i bazama podataka. U posljednje vrijeme uglavnom radi sa Azure i DevOps rjesenjima. Posjeduje preko 30 Microsoft certifikata od kojih su najvažniji: MCSE:Private Cloud, Business Intelligence, Data Platform, Server Infrastructure,Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, Data Management and Anayltics, MCSD: Azure Solution Architect . Microsoft Certified Trainer od 2012. godine. Od 2016 Microsoft MVP za Microsoft Azure. Predavac na velikom broju loklanih i intencionalnih konferencija kao sto su Microsoft Ignite, European Collaboration Summit itd.
Logosoft d.o.o. Sarajevo
Nedim Sadović ima preko 15 godina radnog iskustva u IT industriji te posljednjih 5 godina drži predavanja na skoro svim regionalnim IT konferencijama, kao što su MSNetwork, Microsoft Community, Windays, ATD i druge. Posjeduje preko 40 certifikata iz oblasti MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCDST, a među prvim u svijetu je dobio sljedeće certifikate: MCSA Windows server 2012, MCSA Windows Server 2016, MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure i MCSE Server Infrastructure. Primarno se bavi predavanjem, testiranjem i administriranjem Microsoft Servera, a uživa i u zabavljanju publike na konferencijama na kojima učestvuje te vrlo često dobija najviše ocjene za svoja predavanja.
Omar Krivošija is a Country Manager of Bosnia and Herzegovina since March 2014. Within his role, Omar’s main focus is on increase of Microsoft business in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and continuous relationship-building with all levels of BiH government, with a final goal of utilizing and deploying latest Microsoft technologies and solutions in all governmental bodies and institutions.
Before becoming a Country Manager, Omar held a position of an Enterprise Account Manager in Microsoft BiH for 5 years, where he was responsible for development and implementation of business plans, defining strategies for customers and partners, and management of relations between Microsoft and its major customers.
Prior to joining Microsoft in 2009, Omar spent more than 12 years working in several IT companies, engaged in system integration and implementation of business solutions, and IT distribution of computers and computer equipment, as well as Microsoft software. During that period, he gained extensive experience in direct contact with end-users from the public and commercial sectors. As commercial director of KimTec he had an opportunity to meet and work with a large number of IT companies across Bosnia and Herzegovina in various activities.
SYS COMPANY , Senior System Engineer
Zaposlen u SYS Company Sarajevo na mjestu System Engineer. Posjeduje iskustvo preko 15 godina, u kojem je većinu vremena proveo na instalacijama i integracijama Windows Server, Exchange Server i OCS, Lync / Skype4B platformi. Posljednjih nekoliko godina aktivno radi na raznim projektima implementacije riješanja za Lync Server 2013 / Skype For Business / Exchange / Cloud solutions (Office365 / Azure) u poslovnom okruženju. Svoja iskustva predstavljao je na Microsoft Network, Microsoft Community Conference, #Tarabica, Microsoft TechDays, KulenDayz, Microsoft Indeed, ATD i Sinergija konferencijama. Također je aktivan član MS Community BiH.Od 2013. šest puta nagrađen od strane Microsoft s MVP titulom za Skype For Business. U privatnom životu bavi se Hi Fi, piše recenzije o vinima, sluša rockabilly i veliki kolekcionar muzike.
DevOps Engineer
Ratomir has almost five years of experience in software development. Mostly, he has been working on enterprise systems as a Full-Stack Developer for Web applications. Now, he works as a DevOps Engineer, mostly focused on the Cloud applications. He has experience in programming, database design and software architecture and has been a mentor for various Microsoft course sessions. Ratomir is interested in BigData, AI, Cloud and containers architecture as well. He had speach at regional conferences, WinDays 2019, Network9, Azure Bootcamp 2019, #Tarabica19, SQLSaturday Banja Luka 2018, MS Community etc, and on a couple of local meetups. He holds a number of certificates: MCT for 2019/2020, MCSA for web development, MCSD and MTA. Currently, he is doing his master’s degree in Computer Science.
Senior System Engineer@Authority Partners
Zaposlen kao Senior System Engineer u kompaniji Authority Partners. 20 godina iskustva u dizajnu I implementaciji kompleksnih sistemskih rjesenja baziranih na Microsoft tehnologijama. Zadnjih 5 godina rad na virtualizaciji I sigurnosti lokalne infrtastrukture zamjenio za cloud, te je fokusiran na Office365, Azure rjesenja i DevOps. Posjeduje niz Microsoft certifikata, a pored toga je I Microsoft certified trainer 15 godina.
Security & Cloud/Azure Otaku (MVP, MCT, CEI)
Sasha is Security and Azure Specialist and Instructor with more than two decades of experience in the field. He began programming in Assembler on Sir Clive Sinclair’s ZX, met Windows NT 3.5 and the love exists since. Sasha can be spotted speaking at numerous conferences or delivering Microsoft, EC-Council and his own Azure and Security Courses internationally. He is a Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), MCT Regional Lead, Certified EC-Council Instructor (CEI) and holds few other certifications as well.
Freelance developer, author & architect from The Netherlands currently contracted by Isatis
Steven van Deursen is a Dutch freelance .NET developer and architect and writing code for the last 20 years, currently contracted by Isatis Group in The Netherlands to help with all architectural challenges.. He’s a passionate speaker, coauthor of the second edition of the book “Dependency Injection in .NET”, and the developer of Simple Injector; an increasingly popular DI Container library for .NET.
Systems engineer SEE, Veeam Software
Tomislav is IT professional with more than 20 years of experience in various areas of IT business.
In his working life he had the opportunity to perform a variety of functions: from application development, team management, consolidation and virtualization of data centers, to implementation of most complex IT infrastructure solutions.
Tomislav is a Microsoft Certified IT Professional, IBM Certified Storage Specialist, IBM Certified Systems Expert, and has been awarded with several VMware vExpert recognitions. He joined Veeam in January 2014.
Company owner, consultant, analyst
An IT Professional with more than 20 years’ experience, Microsoft MVP for Office Apps and Services and Microsoft Certified Trainer. Working in own company as Technical Solution Analyst for Cloud, Security and Compliance. Highly skilled in managing IT departments, processes and projects. Proficient in Manufacturing (food, metal), Healthcare and Logistic. Helping businesses become more efficient and effective with optimal use of IT people, process and technology resources. Lecturer on many conferences in Croatia and abroad (Advanced Technology Day, Windays, MSNetworks, KulenDayz, MS Sinergija, Collaboration Summit, Office 365 and SharePoint Conference) and IT communities in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia etc. Community User Group Lead for EDU IT Pro and IT Pro in Zagreb [Croatia]. Great experience in Software Asset Management. ISO 20000/27001 Lead Auditor certified. Born and live in Zagreb.
SysAdmin, Teacher, Speaker, Father, Basketball fan
Vladimir Stefanovic is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and system engineer with more than 10 years of experience in the IT industry. Over his IT career, Vladimir has worked in all areas of IT administration, from IT technician to his current system engineer position. As a lead system engineer at Serbian IT company SuperAdmins and lead technician trainer at Admin Training Center, he successfully delivered numerous projects and courses. He is also an active conference speaker, having spoken at a long list of conferences, such as MCT Summits (in the USA, Germany, and Greece), ATD, WinDays, KulenDayz, and Sinergija (Regional Conferences). He is the book author, the leader of a few user groups and an active community member, with the mission to share knowledge as much as possible.